mardi 9 octobre 2007

my daily life

Hi, I am going to write about my daily life:
In general, I wake up at 6:30 a.m. First, I wash my face and put make up on. It takes me approximately 30 minutes. Then I take my breakfast with my little brother. For my breakfast, I eat cereals and I drink milk with Ovomaltine. After that, I go in the bathroom to wash bross my hair.
I leave home for school at 7:40. Usually the classes begin at 8:05 but on Tuesdays and Wednesdays I start at 10:00. At midday, I come back home or I stay and I eat at school.
When I come back home, my mother cook for us. But when I stay at school I go in the sandwich shop and I buy a sandwich. But sometimes I eat in the cafeteria.
After school, I come back home and do my homework. Generally, I come out when I finish my homework. I meet my friends and we talk about the day sold.
I leave in an appartment with my parent and my brother. I share my room with my brother but it don't disturb me.